Power station modernisation in the Helmstedt mining area
VEM modernises 5.3 MW drives of boiler feed pumps at Buschhaus Power Station
The Buschhaus base-load power station near Helmstedt has been producing electricity around the clock since 1985. This energy is fed into the 380 kV transmission grid. Operator MIBRAG has now decided to modernise various sections of the power station in order to safeguard reliable operation in the future.
This project also involved three boiler feed pumps with outputs of 5.3 MW each. The contract for modernization was here awarded to VEM transresch. Engineers from the VEM location in Berlin renewed the control system of the subsynchronous converter cascades (SCC), which in turn control the speed of the feed pumps. The first SCC was already upgraded in July by incorporating new VEMoDRIVE control electronics into the existing cabinet. The two remaining installations are to follow next year.
It was above all the technical competence of the Berlin specialists which secured the decision in favour of VEM, alongside longstanding experience with SCC-based drive solutions for customers from the Arctic Ocean to the Arabian Peninsula. Through the implementation of innovative concepts and use of the latest system technologies for information processing, the SCC solutions represent the latest state of the art.
Please contact:
VEM motors Finland Oy
Sami Kujala
Managing Director
Tel. +358 207 613 716