Smooth start for slip-ring motors
The VECTROSTAR starters are automatic control devices designed to smoothly reduce a starting resistance according to the resistant torque of the machine, ending at a value close to 0, at the end of the start-up sequence. This can be used also with very slow motors speeds, for instance in starting-up a locked and loaded motor. The needed start-up current for slip-ring motors is 0,5 – 1,5 x In.
Vectrostar R
- Reduces remarkably start-up current needed
- Gives a maximum torque with minimum current
- Enables subsequent starts without damaging the specific resistance
- Suits most motors, easy to change motors and other drive units
- Dampens mechanical strokes with constant acceleration torque and progressive accelerating speed
Why Vectrostar R?
1. Smoothness
Permanent and controlled reduction of rotor resistance starts the machinery smoothly.
2. Modifications
Amount of electrolyte adapts the Vectrostar R to each environment. Considerable factors are among others resistance, moment of inertia and load. Duration of start-up is dependent on the adjustment of the regulating valve, that controls the electrolyte dosing and liquid flow.
3. Accuracy
Efficient liquid circulation between the capacious spare tank and the upper start-up tank ensures similar subsequent start-ups.
4. Safety
Enclosure is electronically isolated (except R 1500 – 4000, which require earthing) Liquid temperature of start-up tank is measured with thermostat.
5. Strong structure
Protection class IP 56, corrosion-resistant furnishing, minor need for service
R25 – 800 light alloy
R1500 – 4000 stainless steel (AlSI 304L)
6. Reliability
Thanks to low operating temperature electrolyte liquid needs very little service
Corrosion-resistant electrodes reduce oxidation and cracks
Equipment can be assembled in all environments
Full automation of start-ups with standard equipment is possible
7. Cost-effectiveness
Vectrostar R is a very advantageous solution due to flexible assembly and minor need for service