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Team VEM palkitut 2017 19.06.2018

Dealers of the year awarded in Germany

VEM dealers on tour

The Team VEM dealers made a tour in Germany in connection with its annual Dealer’s Days. The tour included factory visits at VEM in Wernigerode and Stromag brake factory in Dessau, and award ceremonies for the best high-flyers of the previous year.

At the VEM factory the new Sales Director, Mr Florian Meyer welcomed the group and the new contact person of VEM motors Finland, Ms Gerlinde Sattler gave a brief presentation to the group. In the factory were some interesting products in preparation and the existence of the German online stock was detected. In addition, it was once again observed that the Grillteller in the Kartoffelhaus restaurant in Wernigerode is a fairly meaty dish for one person.

The new owner of Stromag, Altra Industrial Motion, invests heavily in the brake factory in Dessau and is running a complete process and factory reform. Seeing the old and newly reformed parts was a very startling experience. It was noticed that the factory is moving from one age to another, and the enthusiasm of our hosts reflected this spirit completely. The production capacity of the refurbished mill will naturally be bigger and lower production costs.

Team VEM High-flyers 2017

As a traditional way, VEM motors Finland rewards annually the best successes of each product group. The award ceremony was celebrated in a tent in the atmosphere of the Sahara dinner. Sahara, belly dance, light show and Arabic food are not directly related to VEM in any way. If an explanation is needed, perhaps the VEM transresch’s modernisation project in Saudi-Arabia of a desalination plant would be a good one. The award categories are according to VEM motors Finland’s product groups Year’s Torquer (gears), The Year’s Controller (Frequency Converters) and The Fighter of the Year (Electric Motors).

Leivon Sähkö merited in total projects

Leivon Sähkö Oy has been operating in Leivonmäki since 1986, providing versatile repair services for industrial rotary machines. The expertise in electric machines has led Leivon Sähkö, profiled as a service company, also to a large supply of electric drives, sometimes as part of the commissioning, sometimes as mere product deliveries. VEM motors Finland has also used Seppo Hujasen’s expertise in repairing electric motors over many years in many locations near and far, the most exotic being Mongolia, far from the capital Ulaan Bator, repair of heavy crushing engines at Talvivaara, and in the town of Apatityni in northern Russia as a big motor maintenance supervisor.

The 2017 Fighter Cannon was awarded for long-term work and successful overall customer projects from the energy-efficient engine type to installation and maintenance.

Leivon Sähkö ja Voimansiirto succeeded with Yaskawa frequency inverters

Yaskawa frequency inverters are the latest supplier partner of VEM motors Finland. Leivon Sähkö and Voimansiirto Oy’s Matti Hämäläinen has taken over the new product family with sovereignty, found regular users and sold, among other things, Finland’s first new generation GA700 frequency inverters. On these grounds, LS & VS is the second Yaskawa Controller in the order.

Established in 1995, Leivon Sähkö and Transmission is a subsidiary of Leivon Sähkö Oy, which produces repair services. The company specializes in the sale of electrical, automation, mechanics and power transmission products. Their own warehouse and skilled staff guarantee a well-functioning service chain.

For the Leivon Sähkö group, the year 2017 was therefore very successful in relation to VEM cooperation.

Torquer of the Year Remet succeeded in equipment manufacturing

Remet was chosen to be awarded being successful in OEM manufacturing with help of wide range of Tramec and KEB gears. Remet has been a reseller of VEM for over 40 years. Markku Innala is a entrepreneur in the second generation.
The main activity of Remet is the design and manufacture of machinery that facilitates agriculture. This began in 1964 with a repair shop in connection with the farm. At the same time, more extensive potato cultivation was started on the farm itself, which helped to test potato processing machines in production.

Over the years, production has expanded to nearly all root processing machines, and as a result, the products of VEM’s product range have spread to extensive agriculture in Finland, the Baltic and Russia. Remet is a well known brand among agricultural entrepreneurs and almost always equipped with VEM’s product range, among others with different Tramec and KEB gears. In honor of the successful 2017, Remet was awarded with the Torquer’s Catapult.


Sami Kujala, CEO of VEM motors Finland praises: “The whole Team VEM chain is a great team of excellent professionals with electric drives, and this is what people really need in search of the best solution. High quality service and products create long-term customer relationships and good results. Keep on this way! “

Team VEM at VEM Online Stock

Team VEM at VEM Online Stock. Tour leaders Mr Bodo Kirchner, 3rd from left and Mr Andre Festerling 7th from left.

Mr Sami Kujala, CEO of VEM motors Finland and Ms Gerlinde Sattler from VEM motors GmbH

Mr Sami Kujala, CEO of VEM motors Finland Oy and Ms Gerlinde Sattler, our technical contact at VEM motors in Wernigerode.

Team VEM at Stromag

Team VEM at Stromag in Dessau. Our hosts standing, from left Ms Ana Maestro, Ms Annett Koerting and Mr Thomas Ringel. On the right in the front row Factory Manager Mr Soeren Martens.

Factory tour at Stromag

Modernisation of the Stromag factory increases capacity.

Team VEM at Ferropolis

Ferropolis is a massive presentation of old mining machines.

Team VEM in Sahara

Team VEM is ready for Sahara.

Marjut Vainio

Marjut is VEM motors Finland's Marketing Manager.