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The Good Holiday Spirit collection

We are donating to the Good Holiday Spirit. Donations to the Good Holiday Spirit collection will be used to provide low-income families with food vouchers to buy food for their Christmas dinner.

The Good Holiday Spirit food vouchers are worth €70 and will be offered to families with children living in Finland. The vouchers will be given to families in a challenging situation due to e.g. unemployment, illness, excessive debt, low income or some other crisis situation.

The local associations and branches of the Finnish Red Cross and the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare work together with local maternity and child health clinics, social services or parishes to find the families in need of help.

Collection goal of €1,540,000

The Good Holiday Spirit collection will be organised for the 27th time in 2023. You can donate to the collection throughout the year. This year, the collection goal is €1,540,000, which will be used to provide food vouchers to 22,000 families.

Over the years, our collections have supported hundreds of thousands of families. The collections have also brought the issue of poverty in families into the public debate and to the attention of decision-makers.

The collection is organised by the Finnish Red Cross and the Mannerheim League for Child Wellfare in cooperation with Yle.

Donate as a private person
Donate as a company


We thank our partners for this year and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


VEM motors Finland Oy